What is epigenetics?

In psychology epigenetics is referred to as the
expression of genes as influenced by experiences
and the environment to produce individual
differences in behavior, cognition, personality, and mental health.
From a simplistic view point it refers to external modifications to DNA that turn genes “on” or “off.” These modifications do not change the DNA sequence, but instead, they affect how cells “read” genes. A good analogy is the butterfly life cycle; it is the same genes at play at all the different stages but different expressions.
From a biological perspective epigenetic modifications can be passed from one generation to the next, subsequent generations may be affected by the epigenetic changes that took place in the parents. In this article the interest is on Behavioral epigenetics and child development, external modifications that help in shaping human behavior, basically how nurture shapes nature. Nature refers to
biological heredity and nurture refers to virtually everything that occurs during the life-span that is social-experience, diet and nutrition, exposure to toxins, trauma, family life etc.
Epigenetic changes can influence the growth of neurons in the developing brain as well as modify activity of the neurons in the adult brain. Together, these epigenetic changes on neuron structure and function can have a marked influence on an organism’s behavior.
Behavioral epigenetics & the developmental link

Early life experiences exert a profound and long-lasting influence on physical and mental health throughout life. We are products of our childhood.
Parents often ask how they can help their children to be
successful in academics, sport, vocational skills etc. Teaching
children a culture of reading, exposing them to a variety of
sporting activities, good nutrition and vocational skills from an early age can just be exactly what they need to succeed and in the process turning on certain genes that create a pathway (neurons) in the brain for mastery of these skills.
The development of psychological disorders may also be influenced by the surrounding environment so understanding the mechanisms involved in the initiation, maintenance, and heritability of epigeneticstates is important in development so parents and caregivers can set the right environment and conditions for the growing brain.
The African world view, lived experiences and its effects on epigenetics Lived experiences

- Poor nutrition in a lot of African communities resulting in poor development in children both physically and mentally.
- Lack of resources and infrastructure that is poor schools, lack of public libraries, sporting fields etc. Availability of such resources aid in nurturing successful children.
- Poverty
- Alienation from the African culture and assimilating western cultures. The world is becomingone big community and embracing the change opens doors to a multitude of opportunities (it is good to expose children to different cultures and technology). However no culture or way of life is more superior to another, it is important to have a sense of identity and belonging and it aids in the journey to self-actualization.
- The worldview
- African philosophies for example ‘I am because we are’ most African societies are/were collective meaning there is emphasis on the whole rather than the individual. This was or still is to a certain extent a strength where a child was/is raised by the village and in the process accumulating lifelong skills and a way of being that molds the individual in a way that benefits both the individual and the community. So in the African context a child is molded by both biological heredity (nature) and the community (nurture). Note the use of the past tense ‘was’which leads to the point discussed above of alienation from our roots (the core of our being) which poses a threat to the African world view and affecting epigenetics.
- ‘Ubuntu’ – a responsibility towards others; this should be a strength used to better others by sharing skills and resources the earlier the better.
- A strong belief in ancestors – there is a belief in most African cultures that success is linked to the appeasement of the ancestors. So you can be well educated or well skilled or achieved in the African context but still encounter hindrances that only a spiritual intervention is believed to be able to resolve. There is also a belief in witchcraft and this also affect epigenetics.
Tips on nurturing that have an effect on nature
- Start reading to the child as early as possible and introduce sight reading and eventually reading
- A good nutrition goes a long way in brain development
- Start training fine and gross motor early which in turn will help a child in writing and manipulation of motor skills
- Take the time to know your child as a parent so you know your child’s strengths and weaknesses and how you can use these to help them to succeed
- Teachers need to understand the individuality of every child and adapt ways to accommodate each child
- Use technology and TV as education tools and control what your child views
- Early intervention is key if you notice any developmental delays
- Teach entrepreneurship from an early age
- Encourage independence
- Teach life skills from an early age like gardening, cooking etc.

Talent Adamson Behaviour Therapist
BA (Health and Social Services) Applied Psychology, BA Hon (HSS) Psychological Counselling – (UNISA)