The importance of play in development
Children learn to play by themselves first from when they are babies. It is voluntary, spontaneous, and stress-free. Play is a natural vehicle through which learning, sharpening of skills, problem solving skills in children are developed. It allows them to explore, discover, negotiate, take risks and create meaning – all the important foundations for developing literacy, numeracy and social skills.

Different types of play
- Independent play (Solitary play) – the first type of play a child engages in from when they are babies – they learn to play by themselves.
- Cooperative play – children are naturally oriented to play with other children and will most definitely initiate play. This is important as we learn a lot about our environment from our interactions with others. Children learn to take turns, social thinking (looking at the world for mother’s perspectives) etc.
- Parallel play – playing in close proximity with others but not engaging them in play
- Imaginative play (pretend play, make believe play) – this is a form of symbolic play where children use objects, actions or ideas to represent other objects, actions, or ideas using their imaginations to assign roles to inanimate objects or people.
- Associative play – closely linked to parallel play but the major difference is in associative a childwill engage others by commenting on their toys etc. yet still engaged in their own personal playing activities.

What is play-based learning?

Play-based learning refers to a purposeful and planned learning for children embedded in play. Through play-based learning, skilled educators can introduce and reinforce concepts they want children to learn ina way that engages each child’s interests.
The underlying assumption of this approach in learning is that play comes naturally to children so by adding learning opportunities in play children will grasp concepts naturally, easily and in engaging ways that are authentic to the child and relatable.

Play based learning capitalizes on a naturally inquisitive mind seeking discovery and adventure through hands-on exploration of the world around them. Educators embed elements of teaching and learning within the play experiences that children are interested in and naturally drawn to – and therefore more likely to stay engaged with. This approach requires an educator who has a multi-level skills facilitation that enables him/her to know each individual child so well, to know what they are interested in and how each child learns best.
Incidental learning in play
Incidental learning in play refers to utilizing every opportunity to learn something in play. As an example, when parents give their child a puzzle to do, it’s an opportunity to interact and have fun together (social learning). It is also an opportunity to work with children to explore educational concepts such as pattern- matching, problem-solving, numerical and mathematical concepts such as part/whole and shape, alongwith language skills too. Plus it’s a great opportunity to help children develop self-confidence and self- esteem at the same time.
Children have naturally inquisitive minds; they are eager to know about things in their environment that appeals to them – a great opportunity for a parent or educator to teach something. The beauty of play- based learning is in incidental learning, children are always wanting to engage in play which means learning is a never ending process as every incident presents a learning opportunity.
What are the benefits of play based learning?
- Encourages language skills.
- Supports pre-literacy skills.
- Develops social skills.
- Stimulates creativity and imagination.
- Fosters problem solving skills from an early age.
- It provides a space for creative expression such as making art, music, gardening etc.
- Teaches emotional intelligence and boosts self-esteem
- Growth of independence and self-sufficiency
- Respect for the individuality of others
Play based learning, the African context
The last few years has seen the emergence of Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres in South Africa as well as other African countries to stimulate and prepare young minds in play in preparation for more challenging academic tasks. In fact the South African Government has made various policy commitments since 1994 to promote the right of all children to play.
The focus of existing policy is more on the availability of play resources and infrastructure and developing safe play. Existing research (South African Journal on Childhood Education) confirms that ECD educators and practitioners do not have access to adequate training on play-based theoretical frameworks and have limited knowledge and understanding of learning through play as a concept. Many are also not aware of strategies to integrate play-based learning in their classrooms.
To understand the dynamics of play in the African context we need to understand how play was and still is structured in some African communities. Play was/is embedded in a lot of tasks like cattle herding, gardening etc. and children learned a lot through their interaction with nature and with others in the community. Basically an African child if education is well aligned with play has access to acquire knowledge in play from an early age in areas such as:
Botany, Animal science, Social Science, Mineral Science, Soil science, expressive arts just to name a few. A new approach in education that is authentically African is greatly needed.

Is play based learning effective?
Studies have shown that play-based learning is more effective than direct-instruction approaches, which are the traditional academic-oriented teaching styles.
- It improves play skills.
- Expands narrative language ability.
- Play-based curricula has a positive influence on grammar acquisition.
- It is more engaging.
- Learning happens naturally in a way that is child centred.
- It incorporates a lot of skills set beyond just academics.
- It encourages self-initiative.
Talent Adamson Behaviour Therapist
BA (Health and Social Services) Applied Psychology, BA Hon (HSS) Psychological Counselling – (UNISA)